
incogni affiliate program updated October 16, 2024

ID: 8528

Map with countries where the incogni affiliate offer works

Available countries for partnerships with incogni

Finland  - FI Switzerland  - CH Denmark  - DK Latvia  - LV Cyprus  - CY United States  - US Croatia  - HR Luxembourg  - LU Slovakia  - SK Romania  - RO Austria  - AT Greece  - GR Belgium  - BE Slovenia  - SI Sweden  - SE Spain  - ES United Kingdom  - GB Germany  - DE Hungary  - HU Bulgaria  - BG Italy  - IT Estonia  - EE Czechia  - CZ Poland  - PL Portugal  - PT Netherlands  - NL Ireland  - IE Canada  - CA France  - FR

Traffic Types incogni

Retarget Mobile Traffic Email Marketing Doorway Traffic Applications/Games in Social Networks Toolbar Ads Banner Ads Teaser networks Video Traffic Cashback Traffic Push Notifications Groups/Communities in Social Networks Website Contextual Advertising Targeted Social Media Ads

Affiliate Table incogni

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Payment subscription incogni Internet services CPS 20.0 USD
2 Active Registration incogni Internet services CPL 0.0

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eCPC: 0.04 CR: 0.0%


eCPC: 0.16 CR: 12.3%


eCPC: 2.62 CR: 0.0%


eCPC: 0.79 CR: 0.6%

Atom Browser (web)

eCPC: 3.23 CR: 0.06%