FindMySex (Multi-Geo)

FindMySex affiliate program updated October 16, 2024

ID: 8221
FindMySex (Multi-Geo)

Map with countries where the FindMySex (Multi-Geo) affiliate offer works

Available countries for partnerships with FindMySex (Multi-Geo)

Somalia  - SO Papua New Guinea  - PG Morocco  - MA Libya  - LY Bosnia & Herzegovina  - BA Taiwan  - TW Chile  - CL Sri Lanka  - LK Uruguay  - UY Costa Rica  - CR Rwanda  - RW North Korea  - KP Venezuela  - VE Lebanon  - LB South Africa  - ZA

Traffic Types FindMySex (Multi-Geo)

Groups/Communities in Social Networks Doorway Traffic Toolbar Ads Contextual Advertising ClickUnder Ads Video Traffic Adult Traffic Push Notifications Applications/Games in Social Networks Popup Ads Retarget Banner Ads Teaser networks Email Marketing Contextual Advertising Website Targeted Social Media Ads Cashback Traffic Mobile Traffic

Affiliate Table FindMySex (Multi-Geo)

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active First purchase FindMySex Adult CPS 28.0 EUR

Other popular Offers in Adult


eCPC: 0.04 CR: 0.03%


eCPC: 0.02 CR: 0.01%

Contactovip ES (DOI)

eCPC: 0.04 CR: 0.02%


eCPC: 0.01 CR: 1.5%

Bdsm-uk UK (CPA)

eCPC: 0.03 CR: 0.0%


eCPC: 0.02 CR: 0.02%