
Amediateka affiliate program updated October 16, 2024

ID: 8462

Map with countries where the Amediateka affiliate offer works

Available countries for partnerships with Amediateka

Uzbekistan  - UZ Tajikistan  - TJ Moldova  - MD Kyrgyzstan  - KG Armenia  - AM Azerbaijan  - AZ Belarus  - BY Turkmenistan  - TM Russia  - RU Kazakhstan  - KZ

Traffic Types Amediateka

Video Traffic Push Notifications Groups/Communities in Social Networks Email Marketing Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Cashback Traffic Targeted Social Media Ads Mobile Traffic Contextual Advertising Website

Affiliate Table Amediateka

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Paid SVOD tariff (new client) Amediateka Internet services CPS 20.0 %
2 Active Paid TVOD, EST tariff (new client) Amediateka Internet services CPS 8.01 %
3 Active Paid TVOD, EST tariff (old client) Amediateka Internet services CPS 5.0 %
4 Active Paid order SVOD (old client) Amediateka Internet services CPS 10.0 %

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