888Starz.bet (Revenue Share)

888Starz.bet affiliate program updated October 16, 2024

ID: 8646
888Starz.bet (Revenue Share)

Map with countries where the 888Starz.bet (Revenue Share) affiliate offer works

Available countries for partnerships with 888Starz.bet (Revenue Share)

Zambia  - ZM Chile  - CL Mozambique  - MZ Cameroon  - CM Portugal  - PT Senegal  - SN Egypt  - EG Rwanda  - RW Burkina Faso  - BF Nepal  - NP Brazil  - BR Ethiopia  - ET Italy  - IT Togo  - TG India  - IN Algeria  - DZ Tanzania  - TZ Zimbabwe  - ZW Congo - Kinshasa  - CD Argentina  - AR Nigeria  - NG Kazakhstan  - KZ Morocco  - MA Kenya  - KE Namibia  - NA Uzbekistan  - UZ Congo - Brazzaville  - CG Paraguay  - PY Peru  - PE Spain  - ES Venezuela  - VE Côte d’Ivoire  - CI Bangladesh  - BD Ecuador  - EC Central African Republic  - CF Burundi  - BI Gambia  - GM Ghana  - GH Uruguay  - UY Gabon  - GA Djibouti  - DJ Somalia  - SO Russia  - RU Sudan  - SD Uganda  - UG Benin  - BJ Niger  - NE Poland  - PL Colombia  - CO

Traffic Types 888Starz.bet (Revenue Share)

Targeted Social Media Ads Push Notifications Groups/Communities in Social Networks Email Marketing Applications/Games in Social Networks Video Traffic Banner Ads Toolbar Ads Website Contextual Advertising Retarget Mobile Traffic Doorway Traffic Teaser networks

Affiliate Table 888Starz.bet (Revenue Share)

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Registration 888Starz.bet Gambling / Lotteries CPL 0.0
2 Active Revenue Share 888Starz.bet Gambling / Lotteries RevShare 30.0 %

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